The Zenith06 entry-level smart antenna, with X-PAD field software, is a solution that offers both simplicity and accuracy while being cost-effective.
Top-performing GNSS technology at an affordable price, the Zenith16 features Hexagon’s cutting-edge precision point positioning technology. When combined with GeoMax Field controllers and X-PAD software the Zenith16 delivers reliable results every time.
The advanced Zenith60 Pro GNSS smart antenna guarantees precise and accurate measurements with ease. Whether you're working under dense canopies, in urban canyons, or on construction sites, this high-performing RTK rover delivers reliable data even in the most challenging conditions.
The Zenith60 is a calibration-free tilt GNSS smart antenna that incorporates state-of-the-art technology. In combination with the X-PAD field software, field controllers and widely appreciated support and services, GeoMax provides a GNSS solution that ensures a convenient, flexible and pleasant working experience
Working simultaneously with TPS and GNSS by combining the advantages of both systems. GeoMax X-POLE significantly improves the performance and flexibility on the jobsite.
The seamless integration of X-Pole into the field software allows a toggle between both measurement modes.